Art Africa Colour Cure Exhibition was launched on 13th October 2022. The exhibition featured 10 female artists in Ghana in support of the Korle-bu Breast Cancer Surgical Unit. Featured women artists were Betty Acquah, Dr Asabea Asare, Bernice Cooper, Nana Yaa Omane-Peprah, Victoria Adoe, Nyornuwofia Agorsor, Eba Ussher, Maitreyee Roy, Patti Blueh and Amerley Amartefio.
Rita Appiah-Danquah (Clinical Psychologist, Korle-bu Teaching Hospital) spoke about the need for everyone to support and help in the war against breast cancer. She shared how lonely the breast cancer journey was for many patients and its impact on their phycological well-being, their finances, and their relationships with family. She encouraged all present to support “our mothers, sisters, daughters, inspirators and mentors”, in the fight against breast cancer.
Event partners were PaySwitch, One Heart Africa Academy, Igire Coffee and Crystal Health & Beauty Center. The Colour Cure event was launched on 15th October and was open until 13th November 2022.